2025년 1월 서비스 변경 예정 사항
2025년 1월 예정된 서비스 변경 사항 개요
RTD는 안정성을 높이고 정시성을 개선하며 고객의 전반적인 환승 경험을 향상시키기 위한 기관의 시스템 최적화 계획을 지원하기 위해 다음과 같은 서비스 변경 사항을 제안합니다.
RTD는 10월 31일까지 두 차례의 공개 회의를 개최하고 2025년 1월 서비스 변경안에 대한 대중의 의견을 수렴했습니다.
RTD 이사회의 승인을 받으면 아래 변경 사항은 2025년 1월 19일(일)부터 시행됩니다.
아래 나열된 변경 사항 외에도 다음과 같은 변경 사항도 제안되었습니다:
- 노선 1E/44 - 예술 지구 커넥터 - 서비스 증가, 노선 조정
- 1번 국도와 44번 국도의 동부 구간은 알라메다와 40번-콜로라도 철도역 사이의 베이커와 파이브 포인트 지역을 연결하는 새로운 노선으로 통합될 것입니다. 루트 1과 루트 44의 서부 구간의 현재 서비스 수준은 유지됩니다.
- 산타페 예술 지구, 덴버 극장 지구, 리노 예술 지구를 연결하여 RTD의 시스템 최적화 계획을 지원하세요.
- 피드백 제출
RTD의 프레젠테이션을 다운로드하여 2025년 1월에 적용되는 변경 사항에 대해 자세히 알아보세요. 영어로 제공됩니다, 여기를 클릭하세요. 스페인어용, 여기를 클릭하세요.
Dashboard: Routes and Lines
18th•California – Littleton•Mineral
- Schedule Timing
Minor changes to schedule.
Improve on-time performance.
Survey Results
65% of customers surveyed view this change positively.
Union Station – RidgeGate Parkway
- Schedule Timing
- Service Increase
Reinstate 15-minute service frequency.
Enhance reliability and reduce wait times to better meet the needs of customers.
Survey Results
95% of customers surveyed view this change positively.
18th•California – Florida
- Schedule Timing
- Service Increase
Reinstate 15-minute service frequency.
Enhance reliability and reduce wait times to better meet the needs of customers.
Survey Results
87% of customers surveyed view this change positively.
West 1st Avenue
- Schedule Timing
- Route Adjustment
Change in route to terminate at Civic Center Station instead of extending south through the La Alma/Lincoln Park and Baker neighborhoods. Downtown service will shift to 17th and 18th Streets to reach Civic Center. The alignment west of Speer Blvd will remain unchanged.
The new routing will improve service reliability and support RTD's System Optimization Plan.
Survey Results
40% of customers surveyed view this change positively.
East Colfax Ave
- Schedule Timing
- Route Adjustment
Route will now serve the 13th & Lisbon stop.
Route is being adjusted to reliably serve the 13th & Lisbon stop per ongoing detour due to traffic signal work at Colfax Ave and Picadilly St.
Survey Results
52% of customers surveyed report this change has no impact on them.
University Blvd
- Schedule Timing
- Service Increase
Buses will operate (6) hours later on weekdays, (1) hour earlier on Saturdays, and (3) hours later on Sundays/Holidays.
Change in operating times better aligns with ridership levels and supports RTD's System Optimization Plan.
Survey Results
88% of customers surveyed view this change positively.
Hampden Ave
- Schedule Timing
- Service Increase
- Route Adjustment
Route will extend east of Englewood Station connecting to Nine Mile Station along Hampden Ave.
Change in service pattern and operating times better aligns with ridership levels and support RTD's System Optimization Plan.
Survey Results
88% of customers surveyed view this change positively.
Montbello via Albrook/GVR
- Schedule Timing
Minor changes to schedule.
Changes to schedule will increase reliability and connectivity while accounting for changes to Route 45.
Survey Results
No customers surveyed chose to leave feedback for this change.
44th Ave
- Schedule Timing
- Route Adjustment
Route will no longer continue east of 17th St., and instead will terminate at Civic Center Station. Route alignment will remain the same west of I-25.
The new routing will improve service reliability and support RTD's System Optimization Plan.
Survey Results
65% of customers surveyed view this change positively.
Montbello via 51st/GVR
- Schedule Timing
- Route Adjustment
Buses will operate in a loop via Maxwell Place, taking a right turn on Dunkirk, right turn on 56th Ave, and right turn on Ireland St. Buses will continue to serve all existing stops on Ireland St, Dunkirk St and 56th Ave in both directions.
Change accounts for an ongoing, westbound detour that requires buses to make a left hand turn from Ireland St on to 56th Ave at an un-signaled intersection.
Survey Results
100% of customers surveyed view this change positively.
Denver / Commerce City
- Schedule Timing
- Service Increase
Increase in service frequency with buses running every 30 minutes on weekdays and weekends. Hours of operation expanding to 5:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m. on weekdays and Saturdays, and 5:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. on Sundays/Holidays.
Changes better align with ridership levels and support RTD's System Optimization Plan.
Survey Results
70% of customers surveyed view this change positively.
West 52nd Ave / South Bannock
- Schedule Timing
Minor changes to weekday and weekend schedules.
Changes will improve on-time performance.
Survey Results
67% of customers surveyed view this change positively.
Monaco Parkway
- Schedule Timing
Minor changes to weekday and weekend schedules.
Changes will improve on-time performance.
Survey Results
50% of customers surveyed report this change has no impact on them.
Quebec Street
- Schedule Timing
- Service Increase
Buses will operate (1.5) hours earlier and (2) hours later on weekdays, and (1.5) hours earlier and (1) hour later on Saturdays and Sundays/Holidays.
Changes better align with ridership levels and support RTD's System Optimization Plan.
Survey Results
73% of customers surveyed view this change positively.
Wadsworth Blvd
- Schedule Timing
Minor changes to weekday schedule.
Changes will improve on-time performance.
Survey Results
67% of customers surveyed view this change positively.
Cherry Creek / Parker Rd Limited
- Schedule Timing
- Service Increase
Buses will run every 30 minutes on weekdays.
Changes to weekday frequency and schedule better align with ridership levels and support RTD's System Optimization Plan.
Survey Results
89% of customers surveyed view this change positively.
Kipling Street
- Schedule Timing
- Service Increase
Buses will run every 30 minutes between Federal Center (W Line) and Arvada Ridge (G Line) rail stations on weekdays.
Change better aligns with ridership levels and supports RTD's System Optimization Plan.
Survey Results
77% of customers surveyed view this change positively.
Quincy Ave
- Schedule Timing
- Service Increase
Buses will operate (2) hours earlier and (4) hours later on weekdays, and (1) hour earlier and (3) hours later on Saturdays and Sundays/Holidays.
Changes align with ridership levels and support RTD's System Optimization Plan.
Survey Results
80% of customers surveyed view this change positively.
28th Street / Gunbarrel
- Schedule Timing
- Service Increase
Tripper service being added.
Change addresses ongoing bus overloads on BOLT route due to increase of customers connecting to/from Boulder High School.
Survey Results
79% of customer surveyed view this change positively.
Iris / Valmont
- Schedule Timing
- Service Increase
Tripper service being added.
Change addresses ongoing bus overloads on the current 7:51 a.m. westbound trip due to increase of customers connecting to/from Boulder High School.
Survey Results
100% of customers surveyed view this change positively.
- Schedule Timing
Minor changes to weekday and Saturday schedules.
Improve connection to Route 120L at US85 & Bridge St Park-n-Ride to allow for more efficient access to Adams County Justice Center.
Boulder / Denver Airport
- Schedule Timing
- Service Increase
Increasing trips and service frequency. When combined with the AB2 route, service will operate as follows. Weekdays: Hourly service between Downtown Boulder Station and US36•Table Mesa Station, with 30-minute service between US36•Table Mesa and Denver Airport. Saturdays: 30-minute service between Boulder and Denver Airport during the morning and evening rush hours, with hourly service early and late in the day and between 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sundays/Holidays: 30-minute service between 4:30-8:30 p.m., with hourly service before and after.
Align with ridership levels and account for Boulder Junction at Depot Square Station remaining closed, while supporting RTD's System Optimization Plan.
Survey Results
98% of customers surveyed view this change positively.
Boulder / Denver Airport
- Schedule Timing
- Service Increase
Reinstated AB2 route will increase the number of trips and service frequency between Downtown Boulder Station and the Denver Airport. AB2 will operate on Canyon Blvd and 28th St between Downtown Boulder Station and US36•Table Mesa Station. When combined with the AB1 route, service will operate as follows. Weekdays: Hourly service between Downtown Boulder Station and US36•Table Mesa Station, with 30-minute service between US36•Table Mesa and Denver Airport. Saturdays: 30-minute service between Boulder and Denver Airport during the morning and evening rush hours, with hourly service early and late in the day and between 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Sundays/Holidays: 30-minute service between 4:30 – 8:30 p.m., with hourly service before and after.
Align with ridership levels while supporting RTD's System Optimization Plan.
Survey Results
90% of customers surveyed view this change positively.
Boulder / Nederland / Eldora
- Schedule Timing
- Service Increase
Minor changes to weekday schedule.
Changes account for class start and end times at Boulder High School and Nederland High School, as well as operational hours at Eldora Ski Resort, while creating better connections at Downtown Boulder Station.
Survey Results
78% of customers surveyed view this change positively.
Boulder / Nederland / Eldora
- Schedule Timing
- Service Increase
Minor changes to weekday schedule.
Changes account for class start and end times at Boulder High School and Nederland High School, as well as operational hours at Eldora Ski Resort, while creating better connections at Downtown Boulder Station.
Survey Results
78% of customers surveyed view this change positively.
Boulder / Anschutz
- Schedule Timing
- Service Increase
Adding 3:02 pm and 4:02 pm eastbound trips from Downtown Boulder Station to Anschutz Medical Center. Shifting the current 5:15pm westbound trip from Anschutz Medical Center to 5:35pm due to running time adjustments.
The trips at 3:02 pm and 4:02pm eastbound are being added as per the System Optimization Plan. The shifting of the current 5:15pm westbound trip from Anschutz Medical Center to 5:35pm is due to needed running time adjustments to allow for improved on-time performance.
Survey Results
73% of customers surveyed view this change positively.
Longmont / Denver
- Schedule Timing
- Service Increase
(2) additional morning and (2) additional evening trips added to LD1 between Bross St/8th Ave and Union Station in each direction. Minor changes to schedule will also be implemented.
Changes better align with ridership levels and increased demand on LD1, while improving on-time performance.
Survey Results
89% of customers surveyed view this change positively.
- Route Adjustment
Expanding boundaries of the Interlocken FlexRide to include a new affordable housing development northwest of the intersection of US 36 and Northwest Parkway.
Expansion of boundaries will include a new affordable housing development, which will improve transportation options for lower-income residents and enhance ridership.
Survey Results
60% of customers surveyed report this change has no impact on them.
North Broomfield
- Route Adjustment
Expanding boundaries of the North Broomfield FlexRide to include a new area between: Midway Blvd to the south, Zuni St to the east, and Main Street to the west. Expanded service area will also include the Walmart at 200W 136th Ave, and a small section near Outlook Bluff.
Expansion of boundaries will provide enhanced FlexRide connections for residents in North Broomfield, and add multiple key travel destinations that were previously inaccessible via the North Broomfield FlexRide service.
Survey Results
50% of customers surveyed view this change positively.
공청회 및 피드백 회의
서비스 변경 제안 공개 회의 #1
서비스 변경 제안 공개 회의 #2
2024년 10월 21일 월요일 오후 5시 30분
1660 블레이크 스트리트, 덴버, CO 80202
서비스 기획 및 개발 드롭인 오피스 시간
10월 23일 수요일 오후 5시 30분
여기에서 등록하세요: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYqdOytqDwjGtMngcsIdphhAKDX0wufqtru
피드백 제공
피드백 제공
RTD는 10월 31일(목)까지 2025년 1월 서비스 변경 제안에 대한 고객, 이해관계자, 커뮤니티의 의견을 수렴하고 있습니다. 모든 피드백은 11월 회의 주기 동안 RTD 이사회와 공유될 예정입니다.
제안된 서비스 변경 사항에 대한 피드백을 제공하는 방법은 다섯 가지가 있습니다.
- 온라인 피드백 설문조사 완료
- 이메일 보내기
[email protected] - 고객 지원팀에 전화하기
303.299.6000 - RTD의 공개 미팅 중 하나에서 의견을 제공하거나(위 참조), 또는 이사회 회의
- 현지 RTD 직원과 상담하기 커뮤니티 이벤트
스페인어 이외의 특정 언어로 번역된 RTD 자료가 필요하신가요? 가능한 한 RTD에서 필요한 번역을 제공해 드립니다! 여기를 클릭하세요.