A security officer talks with a group of customers in front of the A line commuter rail

Safety and Security

You are our top priority.

Whether you’re waiting to connect or travel to your final destination, RTD is focused on providing a Welcoming Transit Environment during every step of your journey. Our security and customer support teams work around the clock to ensure you safely reach your destination, and you have the information and tools needed for a comfortable and convenient connection.

We’re doubling down on our efforts to enhance your safety and security. RTD continues to add police officers, increase patrols across the system, and upgrade cameras and lighting at facilities to improve safety and surveillance. Our recently enhanced and real-time reporting tools, such as live look-in cameras on vehicles and the Transit Watch smartphone app, make it easier for RTD to quickly respond.

Here's how the agency is making transit safer for you.

Transit Watch: See. Say. Solve.

With RTD’s Transit Watch app, you never ride alone.

The app is a quick, easy, and anonymous way for riders to communicate directly to Transit Police about safety and security concerns. La aplicación Transit Watch ya está disponible en español.

Don't have a smart phone? Call or text RTD's Police Dispatch Center. In an emergency situation, always call 911.

Call: 303-299-2911
Text: 303-434-9100

Step 1: Download the AppTransit Watch is available for free on iOS and Android devices.
Transit Watch
Step 2: See SomethingIf you notice suspicious activity or behavior, stay alert and carefully observe the situation.
Step 3: Say SomethingDiscreetly or anonymously report the suspicious activity or concern.
Step 4: Solve ItAll submissions are directly routed to RTD Police Dispatch for an appropriate and immediate response.

Transit Police Strategies Currently Underway

The personal safety and security of customers across RTD’s 2,345 square-mile service area is supported by a comprehensive and coordinated effort, involving multiple law enforcement jurisdictions and security personnel. The RTD Transit Police Department operates a complex security model dedicated to providing a safe and secure transit system for our customers, employees, and the community.

Growing the Police ForceSince 2022, the number of Transit Police officers has grown fivefold to nearly 100 sworn officers. RTD aims to add 50 more officers to the force in 2025.
Transit Police Careers
Maintaining a Regular PresenceIncreasing security presence at high-volume and busy transit hubs, bus stops, and rail stations.
Assigning Personnel 24/7Deploying officers around the clock to secure and patrol areas based on customer feedback, calls for service data, and reporting trends across the service area.
Using a Sectors-Based ApproachAssigning officers to different sectors to support a rapid response to calls across the agency’s 2,345 square-mile service area.
Transit Police using sector-based plan for its work
Enforcing the Customer Code of ConductDeterring misconduct and disruptive behaviors by enforcing Respect the Ride, RTD’s Customer Code of Conduct.
Respect the Ride
Coordinating EffortsCoordinating security efforts with other police jurisdictions across RTD’s service area.
Adding K-9 UnitsIncreasing the number of K-9 units to ensure high-traffic areas, facilities, buses, and trains are safe from threats.
RTD adds two K-9 units to its Transit Police to enhance safety efforts
Ongoing Fare SweepsConducting regular fare sweeps of rail vehicles to ensure the system is used for transit.
Expanding the Detective BureauGrowing the agency’s established detective bureau to investigate criminal activities and address unlawful behaviors.
RTD establishes detective bureau to bolster safety, pursue investigations
Improving Real-Time MonitoringExpanding the live look-in system on all vehicles to improve awareness and monitoring.
RTD has added live look-in equipment for operator, customer safety
Promoting Transit Watch AppAdding special announcements and Transit Watch signage to invite customers to easily report suspicious activities or incidents.

Outreach and Support Personnel

In the spirit of compassion, RTD connects individuals to community services, resources, information, and other support not offered by the transit system. RTD deploys a team of mental health clinicians and unhoused outreach coordinators to support individuals who may need assistance or information about community resources.

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Adding Coordinators and Clinicians

Increasing the number of unhoused outreach coordinators and mental health clinicians that are hired and deployed daily to assist individuals in need.

Providing Resource Material

Making mental health resources, print materials, and signage available at facilities and on vehicles.

Face-to-Face Outreach

Proving in-person outreach and assistance to members of the community who are unhoused, experiencing mental health issues, or dealing with substance abuse challenges.

Increasing Staff Training

Training operators and other frontline staff to identify signs of a mental health crisis and how to connect individuals with available community resources.

Meet Alton Reynolds: RTD's Unhoused Outreach Coordinator

Facility Improvements and Vehicle Enhancements

RTD provides services connecting more than 9,700 bus stops and 75 rail stations across the Denver metro area. Ensuring stops, stations, and transit facilities are secure creates a welcoming transit environment for all customers. We use a strategic approach – Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) – to reduce crime and enhance public safety.

Adding Live Look-In Cameras on All Vehicles

A major technology project has added live look-in cameras on all buses, and the installation of similar cameras on light rail vehicles is currently underway. The system enables RTD’s public safety dispatchers to both view and hear individuals, situations, and events occurring on a vehicle in the moment.

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Monitoring Park-n-Rides and Garages

With more than 70 Park-n-Rides in RTD’s service area, the agency closely monitors all parking lots and garages, pedestrian bridges, and elevators. Security officers periodically check parked vehicles on its properties to ensure they are locked with windows closed and valuables out of sight. The officers leave behind a “report card” letting vehicle owners if they pass or fail the inspections so they can better keep their vehicles and belongings secure.

Increasing Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

RTD regularly cleans all vehicles, rail stations, and transit facilities to maintain a safe, welcoming environment for customers. Regular cleanings reduce hazards like spills and debris, removes graffiti, and reinforces public confidence in transit services.

Report A Maintenance Issue

Expanding the Customer Experience Elevator Program

In 2024, RTD reprogrammed elevators at select stations to rest with their doors open, an operational adjustment that limits and deters illegal and unwanted activities from taking place. Following the pilot program’s noteworthy success at three locations, the program was expanded to six light rail stations, and it is now being expanded to 70 additional elevators.

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Installing Vinyl Seats on All Vehicles

A comprehensive project is underway to replace cloth seats on light rail vehicles with vinyl. The decades-old wool blend fabric is being swapped out for vinyl-covered seating that is easier to clean and maintain. Crews are adding the updated seat coverings to additional light rail vehicles each week.

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Upgrading Lighting at Stations

To deter potential threats and support a more secure environment, RTD has installed brighter, well-placed lighting at stations and facilities to not only improve visibility and security, but reduce the risk of slips, trips, and other accidents. Do you have a suggestion for a location that needs enhanced lighting?

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Installed Bus Operator Barriers

RTD has added bus shield barriers to its fleet to support a safer environment for operators. The custom-built shields feature a safety glass system that is reinforced by a steel door. The barriers are engineered to withstand blunt force objects.

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Impact Team Ambassadors

In 2024, RTD launched a team of agency ambassadors to enhance customer service across all bus and rail services. Known as the Impact Team, the ambassadors provide on-site support during peak service times, major events, and service disruptions. The Impact Team is also trained to address immediate customer needs and report emergency situations and security concerns.

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Hiring Full-Time Ambassadors

Efforts are underway to hire full-time agency ambassadors in 2025 to assist customers across the entire system every day.

Providing Support During Disruptions

Dispatching the agency's Impact Team ambassadors and RTD volunteers during planned and unplanned service disruptions.

Increasing Outreach Volunteers

Increasing the number of volunteers supporting customers at stops and stations during disruptions, major events, and peak service times.

Coordinating Community Activities

Working with event planners and community groups to better coordinate the support provided to customers at high-volume stops and stations during events.

What is RTD's Impact Team?

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