Equity and Accessibility

Equity and Accessibility

RTD works across agency departments and with diverse community partners. Together we proactively pursue fairness, inclusion and equal opportunities in employment and small business development while also striving to provide historically underrepresented communities with equal access to public transit services and programs.

Serve all Populations

FTA Title VI Triennial Report Compliance

As a recipient of federal financial assistance through the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), RTD is subject to the rules and regulations provided through FTA Circular 4702.1B “Title VI Requirements and Guidelines for Federal Transit Administration Recipients” effective October 1, 2012. RTD’s program update is provided as documentation of compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in accordance with FTA grant recipient requirements. For RTD's program update, see the link below.

2022 Title VI Program Update

Service Frequency Rating

In 2024, 62% of Customers responding to the annual Community Value Survey agreed or strongly agreed RTD contributes positively to the region.

Stretch Metrics

Percent Minority and Low-income People with Access to the System

Last Updated September 25, 2024

YearPercent minority people with access to the systemPercent low-income people with access to the system

Households Within a 10-minute Walk or Roll of High-Quality Mobility Options

As of May 2024

1/4 mile from a stop1/2 mile from a stop