Partner Transit Services, Associations and Organizations
Anschutz Shuttle
The University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus provides a free shuttle service that carries riders from the R Line at Fitzsimons Station to five stops within the medical campus:
- 17th Place and Wheeling Street
- 17th Avenue and Victor Street
- 17th Avenue and Aurora Court
- Racine Street and 19th Avenue
- Montview Boulevard and Ursula Street
The shuttle operates 7 days a week between 5:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Shuttles will be timed to meet light rail trains at Fitzsimons Station. The average route time is less than fifteen minutes. Call 303-724-1777 for more information.
This is a third-party service that is not operated by RTD.
Bustang™ is an interregional express bus service operated by the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT). Bustang services Denver, Colorado Springs, Fort Collins, Glenwood Springs and more during peak commuter hours, Monday through Friday. At this time, tickets are only available online at ridebustang.com/fares-and-tickets or by paying cash on board. For general information, visit ridebustang.com.
The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) is responsible for 9,156 miles of interstate highways. And while the Interstate system accounts for only about 10 percent (915 miles) of the total mileage on the state system, 40 percent of all travel takes place on our Interstate highways. That's over 26.1 billion vehicle miles of travel every year. The current highway construction program is managed by CDOT, but is built entirely by private contractors. As Colorado's transportation system expands and continues to improve, CDOT looks forward to continuing this valuable partnership with independent businesses. Visit codot.gov for more information.
Community Ride
Community Ride offers organized low cost group trips from designated pick-up points in the communities of Swansea, Elyria and Globeville in North Central Denver. (Home pick up is available for seniors over 65 and people with disabilities.) Brought to you by RTD and Focus Points Family Resource Center, Community Ride offers round trip service for $1.00. Focus Points Family Resource Center is a community-based nonprofit organization offering programs and services to these communities. For more information on Community Ride, please call 303-292-0770.
DRCOG Way to Go
The Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) is a nonprofit association of over 50 local governments dedicated to making the Denver region a great place to live, work and play. One of DRCOG's primary programs is Way To Go.
Way to Go helps the Denver metro maintain air quality and preserve the quality of life by assisting individuals and businesses find alternative transportation options. For more than 30 years, Way to Go has worked with individuals and businesses to help everyone avoid traffic congestion and save money while reducing pollution. Participating employers benefit from improved recruitment and retention, reduced employee stress, improved productivity, and cost savings for employees and for the company.
Way to Go offers the following services:
- Carpool matching: Find a carpool partner online and share the costs of the commute.
- Vanpools: For long-distance commuters, pay a flat monthly fee and relax in a van on the way to work.
- Telework programs: Free and customized service for businesses wanting to start or enhance their telework benefits. Help ranges from policy creation to IT consultations.
- Schoolpools: Share the duties of getting kids to school and after-school activities with other parents and recapture some free time to relax.
- Guaranteed Ride Home: Offers employees of businesses who purchase Guaranteed Ride Home coverage a free taxi ride home in the event of the unexpected.
- Bike to Work Day: Join the fun the fourth Wednesday of every June and see how easy it can be to ride a bicycle to work.
For further information and personal assistance, please call 303-458-POOL or visit drcog.org or WaytoGo.org.
Denver Regional Mobility and Access Council (DRMAC) publishes the Getting There Guide, a comprehensive guide to transportation providers throughout the Denver Metro. The Guide is free and is available in print and as an audio file in both English and Spanish. Visit GettingThereGuide.com to obtain yours.
Easy Rider Program
The Easy Rider Program is a free, comprehensive one-on-one travel training program, available in Boulder County. It is designed to teach older adults and people with disabilities how to safely and confidently use public transportation to expand independent travel options. Training techniques are adapted based on an individual's abilities and assist in overcoming any barriers to riding the bus. Call the Easy Rider Program office at 303-447-2848 for more information.
Express Arrow
Express Arrow, formerly Black Hills Stage Lines, provides regional bus service throughout Colorado, Montana, Nebraska, and Wyoming.
Travel along the Front Range just got a lot easier! June 7, 2010 marked the introduction of FLEX, the newest and most flexible route in Northern Colorado. Those living in the communities of Fort Collins, Loveland and Berthoud can enjoy transit connectivity throughout the region, including Denver & Boulder. FLEX will connect with RTD at the Roosevelt Park Park-n-Ride in Longmont. Get more information about this new service at ridetransfort.com/flex.
- Single ride: $1.25
- Seniors (60+), Disabled & Medicare: $0.60
- CSU students, faculty, and staff with RamCard: Free
- RTD EcoPass and CollegePass accepted
- COLT passes accepted
Operating since 1914, the Greyhound running dog has become synonymous with bus travel. In fact, Greyhound Lines, Inc. is the largest provider of intercity bus transportation, serving nearly 25 million passengers each year. With over 2,300 destinations and 13,000 daily departures across North America, Greyhound is famous for providing safe, enjoyable and affordable travel. For more information on Greyhound, visit greyhound.com.
HOV Lanes
Did you know that riding the bus gives you a very special privilege on certain roadways in the Denver area? Some of our major highways and roads have high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes, which are reserved for buses, carpools and vanpools during rush hours. This means your bus can travel more quickly and avoid the traffic jams that frequently occur in regular traffic lanes. It's just one more reason to ride the bus.
Mountain Metro Rides Vanpool Service
Mountain Metro Transit, Colorado Springs
Mountain Metro Rides Vanpool Service is a smart choice for groups of commuters who live and work near each other and travel more than 30 miles each way to and from work. Vanpool passengers share the ride in a vehicle dedicated to their commute and pay a low monthly fare for a minivan (seats up to 7) or a full-size van (seats up to 12). For more information about forming a vanpool, or vacancies in existing vanpools, visit mmtransit.com/metrorides or call 719-385-RIDE (7433).
Taxi Service Listings
- AA Yellow Shuttle Express
- A Absolutely Airport Car Service LLC
- A Gentle & Quick Sedan Service
- Airport Black Cars
- Alpha Cars & Limousine Service
- A Gentle & Quick Sedan Service
- Experts in Colorado Tourist Attractions & Resorts
- 1st A Limousine
- United Sedan Service
Car Sharing Services
- Car2Go
- eGo CarShare
- Enterprise CarShare
- E-Tuk
- Hertz Rental
- Uber
- ZipCar
Transportation Management Associations/Organizations (TMAs and TMOs) are non-profit, member-controlled organizations or associations. They typically provide transportation services in a particular area, such as a commercial district, mall, medical center or industrial park. In most cases, they are public-private partnerships, consisting primarily of area businesses with local government support. Their goal is to reduce single-occupancy vehicle travel in and around their area. They also seek to improve mobility by creating, supporting, educating and marketing all transportation options such as walking, biking, carpooling, bus and rail. Your local area TMA/Os include: