A customer using a wheelchair exits the bus at Civic Center Station

Paratransit Peer Review

Overview of Paratransit Services

RTD and its contracted partners deliver multimodal transit services across a 2,342 square-mile service area, including bus, light and commuter rail, and paratransit. Access-a-Ride paratransit services are delivered in accordance with the requirements outlined in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). The Access-on-Demand program, a premium, supplemental paratransit service for eligible individuals, offers subsidized curb-to-curb service through third-party transportation network companies, including Uber, Lyft, zTrip, and Metro Taxi.

Peer Review

In February 2024, General Manager and CEO Debra A. Johnson commissioned a peer review of RTD’s paratransit service delivery, to be conducted by transit industry subject-matter experts. The American Public Transportation Association (APTA) convened a peer review panel of subject-matter experts from across the country. During the course of the months-long comprehensive review, the panelists leveraged their knowledge and professional experience to assess RTD’s Access-a-Ride and Access-on-Demand (AoD) premium supplemental paratransit services.

The overarching goal of the months-long peer review was to help the agency better understand the strengths and opportunities of RTD’s complementary paratransit service, as well as its premium supplemental on-demand services. The peer review was also conducted to note potential improvements that support long-term sustainability. The panelists also visited Denver and interviewed agency staff, contractors, paratransit customers, and community stakeholders.


  1. Identify best practices employed by similar transit agencies, including for demand-response programs
  2. Model program parameters, including responsible cost controls and sound customer-facing processes
  3. Review software, hardware, and other tools to ensure optimal service performance and program cost-effectiveness

Observations and Recommendations

The final report, which was issued to RTD in August 2024, outlines several observations and recommendations for assessment and consideration. All observations and recommendations must be individually assessed to determine the viability within RTD’s operating environment. Any policy changes related to the agency’s paratransit service delivery will be brought to the RTD Board of Directors for its consideration.

Recommended Initiatives

  • Develop a clearly stated vision for paratransit to guide priorities in the Access-a-Ride (AaR) and Access-on-Demand (AoD) services
  • Refresh the AoD program structure to create a financially sustainable option that serves customer needs
  • Leverage technology and process improvements to streamline daily work to improve staff efficiency, reallocate staff to more impactful work, deliver better service, and reduce costs

Recommended Actions

  1. Empower staff and contractors to set boundaries on the AoD service in alignment with service mission
  2. Create a technology and data strategy
  3. Reduce compliance exposure by evaluating service area “donut holes,” reevaluate enabling legacy customers outside the ¾-mile fixed-route service area, and review the fare policy to the airport
  4. Evaluate AaR reporting standards for on-time performance, conduct regular checks on data/parameters used for key performance indicators
  5. Identify an “empowered owner” of paratransit who can get into details and lead on policy
  6. Implement software that can automate tasks, including trip caps across all AoD providers and reduce manual oversight of the program
  7. Review contractor management processes and requirements to improve service and streamline operations
Paratransit Peer Review: Final Report

Next Steps and Timeline

RTD has developed a robust communication and outreach plan to directly engage with registered paratransit customers. Through October 2024, staff will host in-person and virtual feedback meetings and launch a customer feedback survey to solicit feedback.

Questions, Comments, and Feedback

Use the form below to ask questions, share comments, or provide feedback to RTD about the recently completed peer review.

Paratransit Peer Review Update: September 24, 2025

At 27 minutes into this recording, RTD staff provide the Board of Directors with an update about the Paratransit Peer Review and outline next steps.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did RTD commission this peer review?

The peer review was commissioned by the agency to better understand the strengths and opportunities of RTD’s complementary paratransit service and its premium, on-demand service. The peer review was also conducted to note potential improvements that support the long-term sustainability of RTD’s paratransit services.

How do I ensure my voice is heard during the outreach and feedback process?

All members of the community are invited to ask questions, share comments, and provide feedback. However, RTD is specifically focused on receiving feedback directly from currently registered paratransit customers.

The report outlines several observations and recommendations for RTD’s consideration. Are any decisions finalized yet by the agency for implementation?

All observations and recommendations must be individually assessed to determine the viability within RTD’s operating environment. No final decisions will be proposed or made until after the conclusion of the feedback process.

Why did RTD discontinue the multi-stop option for Access-on-Demand customers? How was this option assessed in the Paratransit Peer Review?

In December 2023, all registered Access-on-Demand (AoD) customers received a communication from RTD announcing the discontinuation of the previous multi-stop option. The multi-stop option, while certainly convenient, was only available to all customers who utilized RTD’s supplemental premium, on-demand paratransit service. The option was also not available to Access-a-Ride (AaR) customers who utilized the agency’s ADA complementary paratransit services on RTD-branded paratransit vehicles. The paratransit vehicles are fully accessible to all customers. By not providing a multi-stop option for all paratransit customers, RTD created a disparity between customer groups. The practice was not equitable and had unintended consequences for other paratransit customers.

The Paratransit Peer Review panelists recommended that RTD focus on making structural program changes to the agency’s on-demand supplemental premium service to ensure its long-term sustainability. As noted in the peer review report, the AoD program should augment traditional AaR services, and the program structure needs to be refreshed. As part of the outreach and engagement process, RTD will solicit feedback from current customers, explore the recommendations, and propose options that best support long-term sustainability.

How will RTD ensure it fully engages all members of the community who depend on its paratransit services?

RTD has provided multiple communications to currently registered paratransit customers about the engagement process. Over the last six months, information and updates have been emailed to customers and provided using the agency’s interactive voice response (IVR) telephone system. IVR allows customers without access to email to receive a phone call with a pre-recorded message. Additionally, the RTD has provided updates during Board meetings and posted information on its website at rtd-denver.com/paratransit-peer-review.

Paratransit customers are encouraged to review information and updates shared with them to learn about upcoming feedback opportunities. Also, customers are invited to share feedback using the online form that is currently available on this webpage. In late September, RTD sent a survey to a sampling of registered paratransit customers who actively use the services to solicit their feedback.

When will final recommendations be available for review by the community?

The customer feedback and public engagement period will close in mid-October. In late October, RTD staff will develop final policy recommendations for the Board’s consideration. At that time, all recommendations and implementation timelines will be made available on RTD’s website and shared with paratransit customers.

Why is Access-on-Demand referred to as a premium supplemental service?

RTD is required to provide ADA complementary paratransit service. The agency is not federally required to provide the supplemental on-demand premium service. This option, introduced as a pilot project, was adopted in 2020. Its intent was to provide a premium transportation option for paratransit customers who demonstrated a need for an increased level of service, while alleviating demand for RTD's paratransit services.

I heard RTD sent a survey to paratransit customers for their feedback. Why haven’t I received one?

A survey was administered to a sample of nearly 3,000 paratransit customers in late September. Survey recipients were selected using a statistically random selection process. If you did not receive a survey, RTD invites you to share feedback using the online form that is currently available on this webpage. Also, several in-person and virtual meetings will be conducted in October to gather input and answer questions from customers. RTD will advise all paratransit customers when those meetings have been scheduled.