Access-a-Ride Policies
Access-a-Ride Policies and Rights and Responsibilities
No-show Policy:
- A no-show occurs when the vehicle arrives during the scheduled pickup window and the customer fails to board the vehicle within six (6) minutes.
- If the first leg of a trip is canceled or missed, it is the customer's responsibility to cancel all unneeded trips for the remainder of the day. Call Dispatch at (303) 480-2000 to cancel these trips.
Advance Cancellation Policy:
Customers may cancel trips up to two (2) hours before the beginning of the pick-up window without penalty by calling Dispatch at 303-480-2000.
In order to utilize available resources efficiently, we ask that customers cancel unneeded trips before 5:00 pm the day before transport whenever possible by calling Reservations at 303-292-6560.
Late Cancellation Policy:
Customers may cancel trips less than two (2) hours before the start of the scheduled pick-up window with penalty by calling Dispatch at 303-480-2000.
Excessive No Show and Late Cancellations Policy:
A demonstrated pattern of late cancellations or no-shows is a serious disruption of service. Once a customer reaches 4 no-shows or late cancellations in a single calendar month, and these incidents total ten percent (10%) or more of your scheduled trips within that calendar month, the Access-a-Ride suspension policy will take effect. No customer shall be suspended from service for having 3 or fewer no-show or late cancelations in a month.
Failure to Pay Policy:
Failure to present the exact fare when boarding the vehicle is in violation of RTD’s fare policy. A demonstrated pattern of fare non-payment causes service disruption and is considered grounds for service suspension. If a customer refuses to pay for a trip and refuses to disembark upon the operator’s request, the operator may contact law enforcement.
Reinstatement of Canceled Trips Policy:
Customers may not reinstate trips that have been canceled on the day of transport.
Modification of Scheduled Trip Policy:
Customers may not modify pick-up or drop-off addresses on the day of transport.
ID Card Policy:
All customers (except those with visitor status) must present a valid Access-a-Rideidentification card prior to boarding Access-a-Ride vehicles.
Refusal or Suspension of Service Policy:
Access-a-Ride is committed to providing safe and reliable service to all customers.The program does not discriminate on any basis in providing its services to eligible customers.Under ADA regulations, RTD may refuse or suspend Access-a-Rideservice to those who engage in violent, disruptive or illegal behavior.
Suspension of Service Policy:
Disruptions of service due to violation of the Excessive No Shows, Late Cancellations or No Pay policies as stated above may result in penalty and the revocation of your Access-a-Ride services. The progressive suspension policy is as follows:
- First violation - 7-day suspension
- Second violation - 14-day suspension
- Third violation - 21-day suspension
- Fourth violation - 28-day suspension
- Additional violation - referral to an appeal committee
Any violations of the no-show, late cancellation, or no payment policies will be recorded by dispatch as they occur. The customer will receive an email and/or phone call advising them of the occurrence. Continued occurrences totaling 10% or more of a customer’s trips in a single calendar month will result in a suspension letter by mail. Customers will be given the opportunity to appeal the suspension within a 14-day time frame, after which the service suspension period starts.
The progressive suspension process will start over at the beginning of each calendar year.
Service Suspension Policy
- Violation of the rules of conduct set forth in this Customer Guide may result in service suspension. If service has been suspended, a customer may appeal prior to the start of suspension. Requests for an appeal may be made by contacting the Access-a-Ride Customer Service Representative at 303-299-2960. The process for requesting an appeal is also included in communication regarding service suspension.
- Customers who assault another passenger or the vehicle operator will be suspended from Access-a-Ride service immediately. This suspension will last up to 14 days and may be appealed as above. Customers found to have injured another passenger or the vehicle operator in a second incident will have their Access-a-Ride service permanently terminated.
Rights and Responsibilities
RTD Access-a-Ride customers have a responsibility to:
- Update personal information (address, phone number, device or mobility aid, etc.) promptly
- Provide accurate information when requesting a ride
- Treat operators and other passengers with respect
- Have the correct fare; exact change only if paid with cash
- Have a current Access-a-Ride Identification Card
- Travel with a Personal Care Attendant if needed
- Travel with a portable respirator and/or enough oxygen for the trip if needed
- Be ready at the beginning of the thirty-minute (30) window that was negotiated at the time of scheduling
- Cancel by 5:00 pm the evening prior to the scheduled trip or at least two (2) hours before the beginning of the scheduled pick-up window
- To protect others by taking precautions
if you are sick or feel you may be contagious, including use of masks or limiting your travel
RTD Access-a-Ride customers have a right to:
- Safe transportation
- Timely service
- Professional and courteous operators
- Safe and properly maintained vehicles
- Properly fastened seat belts and wheelchair securements
Rules of Conduct
All passengers, including PCAs and guests, are expected to follow these rules of conduct to ensure the safety and comfort of all passengers and the operator:
- No smoking on board the vehicle
- No throwing items
- No eating or drinking on board the vehicle unless required for health reasons
- No abusive, threatening or obscene language or actions
- No physical abuse towards another passenger or the operator
- No removal of clothing, shoes must be worn while on vehicle
- No tampering with any vehicle equipment
- Ear/headphones must be used when listening to audio with personal devices
- Service animals must be controlled on the vehicle
- All passengers must wear seatbelts
Passengers who violate the Access-a-Ride Rules of Conduct are subject to penalties, up to termination of service.