Bikes and Scooters on Rail
When boarding light rail with your bike, battery-powered e-bike, or e-scooter, please allow other passengers to exit or board before loading. If the vehicle is full, wait for the next available train. You may be asked to de-board for a dirty or muddy bike, or due to overcrowding.
Bicycles, battery-powered e-bikes, and e-scooters must never block aisles or emergency exits and cannot be larger than 80 inches x 40 inches.
Light Rail Vehicles
To provide a safe experience for all customers, light rail vehicles have two bike zones that can accommodate traditional bikes, battery-powered e-bikes and e-scooters. Customers cannot leave their bicycles unattended while riding the train. Only two bikes are allowed at each boarding area and in each bike zone.
- Look for the bike symbol on the platform to ensure safe boarding at designated bike loading areas. Bikes are prohibited in the area directly behind the train operator in the first car.
- Locate Bike Zone A and Bike Zone B on board the light rail vehicle. If Bike Zone B is unoccupied, proceed to the open space and sit or stand with your bike. If full, stand in Bike Zone A with your bike.
- If both areas are full, please wait for the next train.
Commuter Rail Vehicles
All commuter rail vehicles have level boarding so you can easily roll your bike, battery-powered e-bike, or e-scooter on and off the cars. Vertical racks allow you to sit while your bike is stored safely for the ride.
- Locate the vertical bike storage. If the bike racks are full, please wait for the next available vehicle.
- Secure your bike with the provided elastic straps and ratchet straps when using the vertical racks.
- Take a seat after securing your bike. Please keep the doors, aisles and emergency exits clear at all times.
Bikes on the Train