Access a Ride Paratransit Advisory Committee
Total Members:
A discussion-based group whose focus is on RTD’s Access-a-Ride service.
The Advisory Committee will seek to assist RTD to:
- Improve the quality and accessibility of Access-a-Ride services
- Advance the needs of those who require Access-a-Ride services
- Maximize services through effective planning
- Strengthen communication between RTD and organizations that advocate for the needs of Assess-a-Ride customers
- Promote collaboration, transparency, and information sharing
- Provide a unique venue where everyone -from consumers to providers - can come together to discuss the issues facing those who rely on Access-a-Ride services
- Ensure meaningful and diverse community input, participation and involvement in RTD’s para-transit related activities
- Work in concert with RTD’s Advisory Committee for those Living with Disabilities as that committee works to make RTD’s bus and train operations responsive to the needs of customers who are living with disabilities
Who should apply:
Interested, enthusiastic, team players who want to make their ideas and opinions heard and to share their desire to help improve ADA service by actively participating on the committee. All applicants will be kept on file for ongoing committee openings.
APAC meetings are held the second Tuesday of the month from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
The 2025 meetings are scheduled as follows:
- Tuesday, January 14
- Tuesday, March 11 (Jointly with ACPD)
- Tuesday, May 13
- Tuesday, July 8
- Tuesday, September 9
- Tuesday, November 11 (Jointly with ACPD)
Please use the following link to participate:
Join online (Zoom): Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 580 061 2193
Passcode: 171923
Join by Phone:
+13462487799,,5800612193#,,,,*171923# US (Houston)
+16699006833,,5800612193#,,,,*171923# US (San Jose)