Partnership Program

RTD established the Partnership Program to help communities meet local mobility needs through transportation pilots of their own design. The program has a dedicated annual budget to support partnership projects and has established an equitable standardized process for intake and evaluation.

The intent of the Partnership Program is to fund additional transit deployment or other mobility services operated by the project sponsor or their procured contractor. Infrastructure investments such as bike/pedestrian safety solutions or bus stop amenities are not eligible for Partnership Program funding. Projects that seek the provision or expansion of RTD services identified in the System Optimization Plan (SOP) are not eligible for Partnership Program funding.


The Partnership Program was established by RTD to provide funding to local governments and Transportation Management Associations/Organizations (TMAs/TMOs) for projects and services that meet their local mobility needs.

A key partner in the Partnership Program are RTD’s five Subregional Service Councils (SSCs) that provide feedback from a local perspective and generate ongoing dialogue regarding transit service.

Learn more about the Subregional Service Councils.

2025 Call for Projects

The 2025 Call for Projects will be open from April 16, 2025 – May 14, 2025 via an online application portal. Each project will need to have one (1) project sponsor that will be responsible for signing a Partnership Program agreement with RTD. Projects may have one or more partners as long as a project sponsor is identified.

If you are a project sponsor interested in vehicle purchasing for your pilot program, please contact Cory Schmitt, Partnerships Manager before submitting an application.

All project sponsors will provide a five (5) minute presentation about their proposed pilot to the Subregional Service Council (SSC) they are applying to in June using the template in the resources tab below.

2025 Project Selection Criteria

  • Alignment with RTD Strategic Plan
  • Local support and ability to meet local needs
  • Provides service where there is a gap in existing service
  • Provides service to equity zones
  • Potential ridership
  • Project readiness

Applications are scored by RTD staff and prioritized by the Subregional Service Council where the project is located. Following scoring and prioritization, a Selection Committee comprised of RTD staff, a representative from each Subregional Service Council, and one representative from the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) develops a final funding recommendation.


What is the Partnership Program?

The Partnership Program is a program established by RTD to help communities meet local mobility needs. The program will have a dedicated annual budget to support partnership projects and establish a standardized process for intake and evaluation.

How is the program funded?

The program is funded with local RTD funding allocated by the RTD Board of Directors. In 2025, the Board has allocated $3 million to the program.

What types of projects are eligible for the Partnership Program funding?

Transit deployment or other mobility services operated outside of RTD. Infrastructure investments are not eligible for Partnership Program funding.

Are infrastructure projects eligible?

No, infrastructure projects are not eligible. While not eligible for Partnership Program funds, RTD frequently partners with local jurisdictions to help fund transit-supportive infrastructure projects.

What entities are eligible for Partnership Program funding?

Local governments and TMAs/TMOs. Organizations that do not fall into these two categories can partner with an eligible entity to apply for partnership funding.

Will project sponsors be required to leverage, or match the funding available for Partnership Program projects?

Yes, project sponsors will be required to provide a 20% match for Partnership Program projects.

Will the amount of a local match available make one project more competitive than another?

No. Project sponsors can propose greater than 20% local match, but the amount of local match does not factor into project scoring.

How are projects evaluated under the Partnership Program?

Projects will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Alignment with RTD Strategic Plan
  • Local support and ability to meet local needs
  • Provides mobility where there is a gap in existing service or complements existing service
  • Provides mobility to equity zones
  • Potential ridership
  • Project readiness

How do I apply for funds?

Prospective project sponsors should complete the application released with the Call for Projects.

What are the Subregional Service Councils and how were the boundaries determined?

The Subregional Service Councils are comprised of local governments, transportation management associations/organizations, and non-government organizations. The boundaries of the Subregional Service Councils are based on travelsheds, and are small enough to allow for local transit needs to be voiced, but large enough to allow for coordination with neighboring jurisdictions.

What is the role of the Subregional Service Councils in the project nomination and selection process?

Projects submitted to RTD must be supported by the Subregional Service Councils. If more than one project is submitted to RTD by a Subregional Service Council, the projects must be prioritized. Additionally, each Subregional Service Council will select one representative to sit on a project selection panel with RTD staff.

Will there be limitations on the amount of eligible funding available per each Subregional Service Council?

Yes, if 4 or more Subregional Service Councils (SSC) have a sponsor submit a project, only 30% of 2025 funding can be allocated to any one SSC. If 3 SSCs have a project submittal, only 33% of 2025 funding can be allocated to any one SSC. If 2 or fewer SSCs have a project submittal, 50% of 2025 funding is available.

Is each Subregional Service Council guaranteed a project each cycle?

No. Projects will compete regionally and will be evaluated based on how they meet the evaluation criteria specified in the Call for Projects.

Will other projects that are being advanced currently under a partnership agreement with RTD be rolled into this program?

Yes, existing partnerships will be rolled into the program in future years.

How will RTD determine whether a project is successful?

Projects will be required to meet RTD performance standards for the “Community” service category. These performance standards will be set forth in the Call for Projects.

How will funding continue for successful projects each year?

Project sponsors can request up to three years of funding from RTD. After the initial three-year commitment, the project will be evaluated based on performance, and future funding commitments will be based on this performance as well as available funding.

For how many years can I request funding?

Project sponsors can request up to three years of funding from RTD. After the initial three-year commitment, the project will be evaluated based on performance, and future funding commitments will be based on this performance as well as available funding.

Previous Calls for Projects

2024 Call for Projects

The 2024 Call for Projects made $2 million available annually for up to three years. The following applications were selected to receive funding:

ProjectSponsorSSC2025 Funding2026 Funding2027 Funding
Aurora Older Adults MicrotransitCity of AuroraSoutheast$255,000$340,000$85,000
Link-on-DemandDenver SouthSoutheast$76,000$591,200$591,200
Brighton MicrotransitCity of BrightonNortheast$600,000$600,000$600,000
Majestic Commercenter MicrotransitNortheast Transportation ConnectionsNortheast$374,282$374,282$374,282

2023 Call for Projects

The 2023 Call for Projects made $2 million available annually for up to three years. The following applications were selected to receive funding:

ProjectSponsorSSC2024 Funding2025 Funding2026 Funding
Gunbarrel On-Demand MicrotransitBoulder CountyBoulder County$250,000$250,000
City of Denver Globeville/Elyria-Swansea and Montbello MicrotransitCity and County of DenverNortheast$150,000$300,000$300,000
City of Denver West Connector MicrotransitCity and County of DenverSouthwest$150,000$300,000$300,000
City of Englewood Trolley ExpansionCity of EnglewoodSouthwest$300,000$300,000$300,000
City of Longmont MicrotransitCity of LongmontBoulder County$450,000$350,000$350,000
Link-on-DemandDenver SouthSoutheast$576,000$500,000
Smart Commute Flexride OptimizationSmart CommuteNortheast$250,200
Smart Commute Mobility Hub ProjectSmart CommuteNortheast$145,719

Need Help?

For questions about the Partnership Program, please contact Cory Schmitt