Business Center Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
What is the RTD Bidders List and how do I get on it?
The RTD bidders list is an internal database used by RTD buyers to find and contact businesses for needed products and services. Fill out this form to get on the bidders list.
How do I find information on current and upcoming RTD projects?
Check the current solicitations regularly. This list includes:
- Invitations for bids
- Requests for proposals
- Upcoming solicitations
- Awarded contracts
- Other pertinent information on participating in projects and on contracts.
Whom do I contact to purchase used RTD buses?
RTD buses are sold at auction by Roller and Associates. Please contact Dayton Roller at 303.289.1600 or visit www.rollerauction.com.
How do I get information about local associations, organizations, businesses, agencies, and chambers of commerce?
Associated General Contractors (AGC) of Colorado
Conference of Minority Transportation Officials (COMTO) - Colorado Chapter
Five Points Business Association
Hispanic Contractors of Colorado
National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO)
Chambers of Commerce
Asian Chamber of Commerce
Colorado Black Chamber of Commerce
Colorado Women's Chamber of Commerce
Denver Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Rocky Mountain Indian Chamber of Commerce
Business Development
Aurora Economic and Business Development
New West Side Economic Development (NEWSED)
City and County of Denver
Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT)
Regional Transportation District (RTD)
Bonding and Assessment-Related Questions
Who can participate in RTD's Subcontractors Performance Self-Insured Program?
RTD's Subcontractors Performance Self-Insured Program is for companies that bid on West Corridor contracts of $500,000 or less. Before a company is awarded work under the bonding program, the company will need to be assessed by RTD.
Will collateral be required from my firm if we participate in the program?
At this time, requiring collateral is not a planned requirement within the Subcontractors Performance Self-Insured Program; however, small businesses wanting to participate in the program need to be financially stable. RTD will monitor program participants and track payments to suppliers and employees.
What else should I know about the program?
More details about the program will be available after RTD selects a brokerage services firm. Currently, RTD is evaluating proposals from brokerage services firms that bid on the Small-Tier Bond Alternative Brokerage Services Request for Proposal. Check the Business Center regularly for updates on program details.
Certification and Application-Related Questions
Are you accepting applications for the SBE Program?
Please be advised: As of November 15, 2022, RTD will accept and process new applications as part of the Small Business Certification (SBE) Program to add new SBE certified firms. If you are currently certified with RTD as an SBE, RTD will continue to process the annual updates and renewals of your RTD SBE certifications.
If you are interested in becoming a RTD SBE Certified Firm, visit www.rtd-denver.com/business-center/dbesbe/certification for SBE Certification application forms, checklists, and more information.
During a transitional time, RTD will continue to accept other certifications comparable to RTD’s SBE certification from the City and County of Denver and Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) to be counted toward projects with SBE Goals. These other certifications that RTD will temporarily accept on our locally funded projects with SBE goals are:
- Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) certification from the Colorado UCP (City and County of Denver and CDOT)
- Small Business Enterprise (SBE) certification from the City and County of Denver
- Minority/Women Business Enterprise (M/WBE) certification from the City and County of Denver.
RTD’s Small Business Opportunity Office continues to focus on building a stronger Colorado economy by ensuring compliance of goals set and providing training so that small/minority/disadvantaged/women owned businesses can grow and thrive in this competitive industry. RTD will continue to set SBE goals on our locally funded projects and honor RTD SBE certifications on RTD contracts with SBE goals.
For more information, please contact RTD’s Small Business Opportunity Office at [email protected]
If I am DBE/SBE Certified with another agency, am I automatically certified with RTD?
No. RTD recognizes Unified Certification Program for DBE firms (firms certified by either of Colorado's two certifying agencies: Colorado Department of Transportation or the City and County of Denver Mayor's Office of Economic Development for work on federally funded projects). However, RTD administers its own Small Business Enterprise Certification Program to certify firms for work on locally funded projects.
The eligibility requirements for certification in both programs are similar. Typically, DBE-certified firms are eligible for SBE certification, but the firm must formally apply for SBE certification.
If I am certified as a DBE, why do I need to be certified as an SBE?
The Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Certification Program was designed by RTD to help small, minority, and women-owned businesses increase their participation on locally funded projects.
The Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Certification Program was established by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) in compliance with federal regulations. The DBE Certification Program was designed to ensure nondiscrimination in the award and administration of DOT-assisted contracts in the department's highway, transit, and airport financial assistance programs and to create a level playing field on which DBEs can compete fairly for DOT-assisted contracts.
In both programs, small business (SBE/DBE) participation goals are established on projects with sub-contracting opportunities. By being certified, you qualify to fulfill participation goal requirements. If the project is federally funded, DBE goal requirements must be fulfilled. If the project is locally funded, SBE goal requirements must be fulfilled.
Having both certifications enhances your opportunity to participate on both locally and federally funded projects.
Can I get SBE certified if my company is a start-up?
Start-up companies are welcome to apply for certification. With your application, please provide documentation of proof of capability in the area(s) you are seeking certification. Such documentation can include resumes, references, other certification, certificates of completion for training programs, etc.
Why do I need to fill out a Personal Financial Statement?
All applicants are required to submit a Personal Financial Statement with their application. The Personal Financial Statement is necessary to determine if the net worth of the firm's owner falls within the guidelines of the program.
Who sees my application and Personal Financial Statement?
Your application and Personal Financial Statement will only be available to the SBE Certification Specialist and Small Business Opportunity Office Manager.
How long does it take to process my application?
Every effort is made to process your application within 45 business days.
My SBE certification is expired. How do I renew?
Your SBE Certification can be renewed by completing a New Certification Application.
How long is my certification valid?
Your RTD SBE certification is valid for six (6) years. An annual update and certification review must be completed each year to maintain RTD SBE certification. After six (6) years, recertification is required. If the annual update and/or recertification are not completed, SBE certification will expire and the firm will be required to re-apply.