RTD ROW Agreement Policy
RTD ROW Agreement Policy
All Official Construction Requests need to be sent to the RTD Real Property Department. RTD owns and had prior rights to the ROW in which we operate our many train corridors, bus routes, Park-n-Rides, offices, shops, and maintenance facilities. ROW Agreement Requests must be submitted any time proposed work involves contractors working on/across RTD ROW or RTD facilities.
Agreement Request Packages to RTD need to include
- Letter to RTD ROW explaining location of work, details of work, method of construction, and indication if temporary or permanent changes are to be made to the ROW
- Drawings (Plan/Profile) showing your proposed work and RTD ROW and RTD facilities (e.g., tracks or Park-n-Rides)
- Copies of any existing easements, agreements, or prior rights claims
- RTD Railroad Utility Agreement - Application Data Sheet (if entering RTD RR ROW or crossing RTD tracks with a utility)
Submit agreement requests and questions to:
Manager of RTD Real Property
1560 Broadway Street, Suite 650, Denver, CO 80202
Email: [email protected]
- Agreement Request Packages are first reviewed by Real Property, then routed to multiple RTD departments for review.
- RTD Engineering will work with you to modify your design until it meets RTD requirements and criteria. Review time depends on the quality and completeness of your submitted design package and the number of conflicts with RTD systems.
- Utility work requires an additional procedure - see Utility Construction and Agreements.
- After all RTD departments complete their review and if/when your Agreement request has been approved, RTD Real Property and RTD Legal will begin writing your Agreement (60-90 days).
- You must construct your new utility per terms of Executed Utility Agreement (UA) and Exhibits to UA (e.g., plan/profile, calculations, etc.). If changes are made after UA is executed, your work will be STOPPED until a new Request Package is submitted with updated design exhibits, RTD Engineering approves the new design, and RTD Real Property executes an amended UA. Additional time will be required for review and execution. Additional fees may apply.
Final approval is NOT guaranteed until an RTD Agreement has been executed.