Service Change

RTD service changes take effect Sunday with frequency increases to light rail

E and H Lines returning to 15-minute frequency

RTD is implementing routine service adjustments to select bus routes and rail lines on Sunday. 

RTD adjusts its schedule three times a year to address ridership changes, traffic patterns, economic factors and customer feedback that affect its system. Service changes are designed to increase service reliability, improve on-time performance, and address changing travel needs. For a complete look at the changes RTD is making visit the Service Changes page.  

Routes affected:

Local/Limited Bus Routes: 6, 10, 15, 15L, 38, 51, 52, 65, 133, 204, 324, 327

Regional Bus Routes: AT, BOLT, CV, EV, FF1, FF2, LD, NB, RX

Rail: D, E, H, L, R, W (E and H Lines return to 15-minute frequencies)

Access-s-Ride: Routes with reductions or improvements may impact paratransit service availability

Written by RTD Staff