RTD safety programs available for transit customers traveling in darker months
The end of daylight savings time means different things to different people. To some, it simply means an extra hour of sleep. To others, it signals the onset of colder, shorter days. For RTD, it serves as a reminder that more transit riders will be traveling in the dark, so safety should be top of mind for everyone.
The safety and security of our customers is RTD’s core value, and that’s why we launched the Partners in Safety program in 2010. Partners in Safety is a collaborative effort among RTD employees, customers and the public to promote a safer transit environment.
One component of Partners in Safety is RTD’s Night Stop program, which is available for unaccompanied, deboarding passengers only, not including children. Riders can request a Night Stop from the bus driver at least one block in advance of their final destination at any safe location along the route. Though this program is available year-round, it adds an extra layer of safety for our customers during the dark winter months.
RTD’s Transit Watch program encourages riders to report safety and security concerns by connecting them with one of the agency’s 24/7 security command centers. Customers can use the Transit Watch app, which is a quick, easy and anonymous way to report an incident. App users have the option of directly calling RTD's Transit Police or sending an incident message. The app be downloaded for free on Android and Apple devices.
Customers without smartphones can use one of the blue emergency telephones located throughout the district, or they can:
CALL: 303-299-2911
TEXT: 303-434-9100
EMAIL: [email protected]
After contacting Transit Watch, transit police or security officers will respond. RTD also works with off-duty officers from local police departments, including Arvada, Aurora, Denver, Thornton and Lakewood, who help cover RTD properties in those cities.
As the days grow shorter, be our partner in safety by staying alert and keeping a watchful eye on your surroundings. Visit our Partners in Safety page for more ways to protect yourself and information on all of RTD’s safety programs.