RTD hosts transit-themed story time

Brandon Figliolino

On Saturday, Jan. 27, RTD hosted a transit-themed story time at the George Reynolds Library in Boulder. Community Engagement Manager Brandon Figliolino read one of his favorite books, “Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus,”to nearly 70 young transit enthusiasts and parents. He also shared the benefits of using the bus to travel around town and provided families information about RTD’s Zero Fare for Youth pilot program and new reduced fares.

Following story time, Brandon invited attendees to visit the library parking lot, where a local bus was stationed. Seasoned bus operator Mark Laba, with a 14-year career with the agency, distributed transfer tickets and activity books to the youth as they and their parents explored the bus.

The George Reynolds Library is close to several RTD bus routes, including the 204, 206, SKIP and FF1.

Librarians and educators interested in partnering with RTD to host a presentation or other activity are encouraged to submit an interest form here: https://www.rtd-denver.com/community/request-an-appearance.

Written by Brandon Figliolino

The RTD teams hosts a transit-themed story time
