RTD highlights women in transit during Women’s History Month: Meet Gwendolyn Baldwin

Camila Lacerda

RTD continues its celebration of Women’s History Month, recognizing women’s personal and professional achievements and contributions to society.

Gwendolyn Baldwin is known as “mother Gwen” by some of her colleagues for always taking care of everyone. She is a parts clerk who has been on the RTD team for 23 years.

Baldwin’s passion for her work comes from her commitment to taking care of the mechanics. “I like driving to the dealerships and interacting with all the people who work there. I like being very efficient with my work. I like to go and come as soon as I can because I don’t want the mechanics waiting for their parts. And I’ve been doing it for 23 years and I think I do a pretty good job,” Baldwin said.

In a predominantly male environment, Baldwin thinks motivating more women to have her confidence can be challenging. However, she believes ads promoting women as mechanics could be a good starting point for women to consider it as a potential career opportunity. A memorable experience in Baldwin’s career was receiving a Spirit Of RTD Award. She was nominated by her colleagues for her significant contribution to the community, a moment that made her feel appreciated and special for her hard work.

Outside of her role at the District Shops, Baldwin loves fishing, hiking and traveling, with Jamaica being one of her favorite destinations.

As sources of inspiration, she points to her mom who would always tell her “Never give up. Be yourself, be honest and true to what you do.” She also admires Maya Angelou, American artist and activist, whose poetry has inspired positive change in the world.

By Camila Lacerda