Boulder Invites Community To View Broadway Transit Improvements Virtual Open House
The City of Boulder has developed conceptual designs for the Broadway Transit Improvements Project to improve bus travel time and reliability, and safety and accessibility for all travelers on parts of Broadway/CO 93 between Regent Drive and Table Mesa Drive. Community members can visit the Virtual Open House to learn more and comment on conceptual designs through Jan. 26, 2025.
Broadway is a key local and regional transit corridor where over 12,000 people travel by bus daily. During peak traffic hours, traffic congestion currently prevents reliable transit travel times, including greater delays at the Table Mesa Drive intersection for left-turning buses than for any other vehicle. To reduce bus delays and significantly improve travel time and reliability, this project will:
- Add short segments of dedicated bus lanes to allow buses to bypass traffic queues at two intersections: Broadway and Regent Drive, and Broadway and Table Mesa Drive. There will be no impact to the number of regular vehicle lanes.
- Design and install additional safety and accessibility improvements for all travelers at these two key intersections.
The city will finalize designs in spring 2025 and anticipates construction next summer to limit impacts during the academic year. Separately, the project will also study the feasibility of repurposing the outside or right-most vehicle lanes to bus lanes within the project limits by analyzing traffic operations and transit travel time savings. Resulting recommendations and timing would be a separate potential project dependent on study results and available funding.
The Broadway Transit Improvements Project is one of several ongoing projects on Boulder’s Core Arterial Network (CAN) initiative. The CAN is a years-long comprehensive roadway redesign effort toward safer, more connected and more comfortable travel on 13 arterial streets, which are key high-traffic streets. The project also supports city transportation goals, local climate goals and regional policies to provide the community with convenient, sustainable and reliable travel choices.
This project is partly funded by the Colorado Department of Transportation and a federal Transportation Improvement Program grant from the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG). Learn more on the project webpage and stay connected by signing up for the Transportation & Mobility Department Newsletter.