Addressing Service to the Adams County Justice Center
Having accurate information in the proper context is the key to clear understanding, which is the intent of this new vehicle to clarify facts and information about current RTD issues. One issue that deserves clearing up at this time involves RTD service to the Adams County Justice Center.
Misinformation has been circulating about service to the Adams County Justice Center. Be assured, RTD continues to provide service to the center.
The Route 520 is operating and currently serves the Adams County Justice Center providing transit-reliant individuals access to the courthouse. It’s a farther walk now from the bus stop to the justice center, but service is available. RTD’s FlexRide and Access-a-Ride also serve the area. Service has not been terminated, as some have stated.
During the September 2020 service changes, when the N Line commuter rail service opened, service to the Judicial Center Drive bus stop was discontinued. The stops that currently serve the Justice Center are at Bromley Lane and Medical Center Drive (Stops #33281 and #33282), as well as Bromley Lane and Tower Road (#33164 and #34414).
Customers can also reach the Adams County Justice Center using these options:
- From downtown Denver via Routes RX and Route 520 which connect at US85•Bridge Street
- From Eastlake•124th Station via Routes 120L and 520 which connect at US85•Bridge Street
- From US36•Broomfield Station via Route 120E, which connects with Route 120L at Eastlake•124th, which then connects with Route 520 at US85•Bridge Street
During the public input that RTD received in 2019 prior to the finalization of N Line bus and rail service plan, community members expressed an interest in improving service to the area and adding service on Saturdays. To provide the requested level of service, there was a trade-off to reduce the length of travel for buses and shift resources such as operators.
Many factors contribute to the decisions made with any service change, including ridership and availability of resources, including operators and finances. When considering allocating these resources, RTD must address areas of highest need based on ridership. To put it into perspective, previously, RTD customers de-boarding at the stop directly in front of the Adams County Justice Center was an average of 17 people over 32 weekday trips – less than one customer per trip. Now, the agency serves an average of three customers over 30 weekday trips at two nearby stops on Bromley Lane. RTD is actively working with elected officials and stakeholders in Adams County to provide a complete picture regarding this community matter.
That being said, public transit is unable to operate as a door-to-door service for everyone, but RTD makes every effort to provide accessibility to final destinations recognizing that first- and last-mile connections can be a challenge. That is why RTD works with local communities to address safe first- and last-mile access to and from key destinations.
With every service change, there is a robust public input process prior to Board approval. RTD holds three service changes a year, and with each change, the community and local officials are asked to provide their feedback directly to RTD during public meetings, via email and direct conversations with RTD service planners.
RTD values the input of its customers and considers their feedback when determining what changes to make. The public has a voice in the service RTD provides, and RTD does listen. And when possible, adjustments are made in the best interests of serving the region as a whole. The next opportunity to provide input on service changes will occur in September 2021.