Thank a smooth operator: Transit Employee Appreciation Day is March 18


Take a moment to thank RTD's bus and rail operators and any RTD employee to let them know their work is appreciated on Transit Employee Appreciation Day, celebrated Tuesday, March 18. Learn more.


RTD and the Fraternal Order of Police sign agreement representing the RTD-PD


RTD and Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 72 agreement signing

RTD entered into a three-year collective bargaining agreement with the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) Lodge #72 to represent the RTD Transit Police (RTD-PD) force on March 12.The inaugural agreement between RTD and the FOP that will offer benefits like increased pay, was reached in just three negotiation days. Learn more and watch a video of the signing here.


RTD celebrates Read Across America with transit-themed storytime


RTD joined students at Leroy Elementary in Northglenn and Bear Creek Elementary in Boulder to celebrate Read Across America Week, celebrated this year March 3-7, with a special transit-themed storytime. Read the full story and learn how you can request storytime at your school.