Bus Stop Consolidation
Why Consolidate Bus Stops?
To improve the quality and reliability of bus service, RTD is systemically analyzing bus stops by route based on usage and spacing. Through this process, we’ve developed a plan to remove bus stops while still providing adequate access to our riders. Our goal is to prioritize bus stop locations with enhanced safety features, and remove underutilized bus stops or stops close to other stops in an effort to improve our riders’ experience, with faster trip times and less dwell times
Improvements to speed and reliability are important features for frequent service and overall transit performance which helps attract new transit riders. Providing convenient transportation that gets passengers to their destinations in less time and on time becomes an attractive replacement for private vehicle use.
What Does This Mean For You?
According to a Portland study, bus stop consolidation improved bus speeds by six percent. The transit industry has standards for stops per mile, depending on population density. Our goal is to consolidate bus stops to meet industry guidelines, which would space bus stops every ¼-mile. Bus stops will still be located near key intersections, major activity generators and areas to accommodate people with disabilities.
RTD is planning to reduce the number of stops by 20 percent.
How Do Riders Recognize a Bus Stop Proposed for Consolidation?
When a bus stop is proposed to be removed a notice is placed on the stop. Riders are given six weeks to notify RTD of any concerns.
What Determines What Stops to Consolidate?
RTD has service standards and policies that include bus stop spacing for bus services. We constantly monitor and coordinate bus stops, especially those on public right of way as well as private property. We also have a bus stop program team that is responsible for placement and maintenance of our stops.
RTD also employs a model that makes recommendations based on walking distance, passenger boardings and deboardings, passenger loads, dwell times, land use, infrastructure, and population density. The model balances time to access a stop with time spend on the bus for all riders.
Where Can You Provide Comments On The Bus Consolidation Process?
We make changes to our bus and rail system three times a year – January, May and August. Prior to proposed changes becoming final, we go through a public meeting process to inform the public, our riders and the communities we serve of the proposed changes and to gain your input. Attendance at public meetings is not required to comment. You may provide comments on bus stop optimization, by the following:
Call: 303-299-2004
Fax: 303-299-2227
Email: [email protected]
Please include the stop identification number, name of street the bus stop is located on, the nearest intersection and the reason for your comment.
Project Overview
Updated per Service Changes
As traffic continues to worsen across the Denver metro area, RTD makes changes to our bus and rail system that are necessary in order to provide the most productive and efficient transit system for our passengers and the communities we serve. To improve bus travel across the district, we have started consolidating bus stops that are underutilized or bus stops that are within close proximity to other bus stops.
See how bus consolidation is positively impacting New York City
Bus Stop Balancing from TransitCenter on Vimeo.
See Stop Consolidation In Service Changes