RTD Redistricting Process
RTD Redistricting Process
State Statute requires that, following each federal census, the RTD Board of Directors “… apportion the composition of the Board into compact and contiguous director districts so that the fifteen directors will represent, to the extent practical, the people of the district on the basis of population." This redistricting must be completed before March 15 of the second year following the year in which the federal census is taken - in this case March 15, 2022. The approval of the redistricting requires a two-thirds majority of the full Board. If this deadline is not met, the State Legislative Council -- with assistance from the Director of Research of the Legislative Council and the Director of the Office of Legislative Legal Services will create the new Director District map.
RTD has engaged the consultant services of Farnsworth Group to assist with the preparation of the redistricting map for the Board's review, comments, and approval. Board Chair Malpiede has appointed Directors Broom and Sloan to the Redistricting Ad Hoc Committee to work with staff and the consultant to review alternatives and to recommend to the full Board a new Director District map. The Redistricting Ad Hoc Committee began meeting in September and will solicit input from each Director. The Redistricting Ad Hoc Committee future meeting dates will be posted on the RTD Board webpage’s Two Week Calendar.
Upcoming Meetings
Redistricting Comments
We would like to hear from you. Do you have any comments on the proposed maps?