Public Transparency
The RTD Board of Directors supports transparency in their governing role as policy makers for the Regional Transportation District. Records of RTD and the Board are public records and open to the public for inspection as provided in the Colorado Open Records Act (CORA), C.R.S. 24-72-201.
Please submit online CORA request here
Submit Request in Writing
If you choose not to submit your request online, you may submit your request in writing. Please be as clear as possible related to your request. (i.e. date/s for information, subject, names or anything you may have that will assist us in our search). Please provide full contact information. Lack of contact information may result in delay of resolution or response. Please note - written requests may take additional time and incur additional fees.
You may submit your request in writing via email at [email protected] or mail paper requests to:
Regional Transportation District
ATTN: Information Governance and Management - CORA BLK-44
1660 Blake Street
Denver, CO 80202
Please note - written requests may take additional time and fees for fulfillment.
Contact The Board Office
The Board Office requests that a courtesy copy of all correspondence, invitations, and notices of events be sent to Jack Kroll, Executive Manager, Board Office.
RTD, Attn: Jack Kroll - BLK-36
1660 Blake Street
Denver, CO 80202